Residency Certificate (SKTT)

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A Residency Certificate (Surat Keterangan Tempat Tinggal or SKTT) is a document issued to foreigners in Indonesia, certifying their residence status.

Residency Certification (SKTT)


  • IDR 1,000,000

Duration of validity

  • 1 year

Processing time

  • 14 business days.

With this document, you CAN

  • Use it as official proof of your residence status in Indonesia.
  • Submit it for Address Mutation and Kitas extension applications

This document DOES NOT

  • Grant permanent residency or immigration status.
  • Replace a visa or permit required for legal stay in Indonesia

From applicant

  • Bali Visas application form.
  • Scan of the identity and signature pages of passport (no photos, must be a color scan).
  • Passport valid for at least 18 months with a minimum of 2 blank pages.
  • Scan of KITAS sticker/ stamp in passport.
  • Recent passport-style color photo (digital format).
  • Domicile Letter.
  • Birth Certificate (in English/ Indonesia).
  • Blood type
  • Father’s full name
  • Mother’s full name
  • Religion
  • Marital status

From sponsor

  • KTP (Indonesian ID Card) & Kartu Keluarga (Family Certificate).


  • Please be aware that international bank transfers can take up to 5 business days to clear in Bali.
    Please be aware that business day does not include public holidays and weekends.
  • Processing of your application will commence only after the funds have successfully cleared into our account.

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