Company Formation

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Foreign Investment Company (PMA)

A PMA (Penanaman Modal Asing) is a foreign investment business entity that allows foreigners to establish and own a company in Indonesia. It facilitates foreign direct investment and can be wholly owned by foreign investors or in partnership with local investors. This type of company enables foreigners to invest, operate, and manage businesses in Indonesia.

PT Local (PMDN)

A PT Local, or Local Investment Company (PMDN), is a business entity in Indonesia exclusively for Indonesian citizens. It is fully owned and managed by Indonesians, ensuring that all ownership and control remain with local citizens, following Indonesia's regulations for local investments.

Non- profit (Yayasan)

A Yayasan is a non-profit organization in Indonesia that performs social, religious, and humanitarian activities. It can be established by both Indonesian and foreign individuals, groups, or legal entities. Founders, known as "pendiri," aim to support charitable activities in Indonesia.

Representative Office

A Representative Office (KPPA) allows foreign companies to establish a presence in Indonesia without trading entitlement. It may focus on market research, promotion, and maintaining relationships. Actual business transactions and revenue generation remain the responsibility of the parent company abroad.

Virtual Office

A virtual office provides a professional address and communication services without requiring physical office space. It is ideal for businesses needing a legal office address, occasional facility use, and administrative support.

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